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Armed Security

















At North Star Security Solutions, we offer highly trained armed security guards that have undergone all the licensing and registration that allows them to carry and operate a firearm in the line of their security duties.

What Can Our Armed Security Do For You?

Depending on the particular role you want them for, the duties of our armed security will differ. However, their main obligations will remain the same and include:

  • The protection of the personnel and the property.

  • Threat assessment.

  • Conducting vehicle or foot patrols.

  • Deterring criminal activities like break-ins, burglaries, vandalism, and attacks.

  • Diffusing potentially violent or criminal situations.

  • Reacting appropriately, in some cases with lethal force, when the situation warrants it.

  • Communicating with law enforcement officers.

  • Assisting the management in security tasks and logging security events.

  • Proving assistance to the general public.


Although our armed security has been extensively trained in drawing their firearms and using them, their first course of action will always be deterrence of criminal behavior rather than brute force. Our armed security officers understand they are in a position of responsibility that calls for situational awareness, ability to recognize body language, excellent communication skills, and a commitment toward confidentiality as well as security-specific training.

Hence, they are ideally suited to take immediate action in case of hostile attacks. Not only are they highly trained in using their firearms, but they are also well-versed in de-escalation and conflict resolution that allows for the chance of a peaceful solution.

Licensed Armed Security

All our armed security force is licensed and we have the relevant documentation to prove it. Our armed security registration card is granted only when they have completed the necessary courses and qualifications.

We also ensure yearly updates and training so that our guards may retain their armed security guard status.

Insured Armed Security

We understand that anyone who is working as an armed security guard needs specialized insurance. Carrying firearms brings an increased risk of injury and hence our armed security guards are covered with the highest level of liability insurance. This covers their medical expenses and other liabilities specific to carrying weapons.

Experienced Armed Security

We conduct a thorough background check on every individual and each of him or her is verified before they join as armed security guards with North Star Security Solutions.

All our armed security personnel has extensive experience in the security industry. Many former law enforcement officers or military professionals choose armed security as their next career and such impeccable background provides peace of mind to our clients.

North Star Security Solutions: The Leading Provider of Armed Security in Los Angeles, CA)

North Star Security Solutions is a trusted source for residential, private, and commercial armed security forces that have the highest levels of training and experience. We have over a decade of experience in the security industry and offer a team of security guards that can ensure the safety of your residence or business 24/7/365 ..




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